Knowing the Actual Worth of Laminated Glass

March 15, 2022

Headline of the Day:

“Glass breaking is said to be the cause of the majority of robberies in Kenya, according to the anti-theft agency. Robbers can easily smash the windows and gain access to the house. Over 350 cases were documented last year.”

When it comes to offering protection against disasters like fire or earthquakes, laminated glass is an excellent choice for usage in structures. Because laminated glass is more fire resistant than standard glass, it will take longer to shatter, giving the building’s occupants time to flee.

Installing laminated glass in your apartment or office can make a huge difference in terms of security. A high-quality laminated glass provides not only security but also soundproofing, a modern appearance, and in some cases, bullet protection.

What are the Benefits of Laminated Glass?

Safety Comes First:
Many glass-breaking cases also involve tiny children. When a child throws anything against a window, the glass shatters, injuring the child severely. Safety risks associated with breakages are reduced when laminated glass is employed. Although the glass may shatter, the glass shards stick to the plastic interlayer, reducing the danger of injury and property damage.

Because of its strong protective layer, laminated glass can even endure hammer strikes. If a thief tries to break into your home, he’ll have to put in some extra effort. This cuts down on the time it takes to notify the authorities about the home security system.

Sound Proof:
When you work in an office, you are always surrounded by numerous agendas. You don’t want to be bombarded with irrelevant noises all the time. The noise barrier properties of laminated glass have been proven. Between the frequencies of 125Hz and 4,000Hz, it has a stronger sound reduction index than monolithic glass of comparable thickness.

Impala Glass Industries Ltd’s performance as a leading glass processing firm is dependent on the support of its direct and indirect customers.

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